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Home Tricks & Advises

Tricks & Advises

Our travel bloggers know that it’s not easy to go to a foreign place and wander the streets of that foreign land with no idea about the culture, tradition, laws, currency status, food, language, and geography! It can sometimes be frightening especially if it is your first time to go to these new place.

That is why we’ve featured these helpful articles of tips and tricks as per advised travelers who’s been to different places and who can tell you the do’s and don’ts when going to each specific spot in the map.

From what to wear, what to bring, and where to go… expect so many wise words from our reliable writers to help make your next travel a more convenient and memorable one!

How to Become a Travel Photographer
For many people, traveling for a living is a dream job. They get to see various countries and continents, as well as experience diverse countries, all while getting paid. Such employment sounds great, but it isn’t all too common. More often than not, jobs that require travel are all about meetings, contract signings, and going home to a lonely hotel...
Best Romantic Travel Spots for Couples
Melodious violin music, a glass of red wine, and a romantic conversation under the bright moonlight- these are just some of the things that you probably want in your date with the love of your life. Besides having a tasty dinner over relaxing music, you and your partner could still try other things to enliven your date or vacation. Pack...
healthy travel snacks
Part of what makes traveling exciting is getting to try different cuisines. You might have tasted exotic dishes in the country-themed restaurants near your place, but that’s no comparison to actually eating the real food in the lands where they originate. Tasting sushi made right in front of you in Tokyo, eating a burrito right there in Mexico city, and...
travel wallet
Some things are simply tailor-made for travel. These objects may seem like your ordinary, everyday items, but because of how handy they are when it comes to traveling, they’ve become trip essentials. Such objects include a thermos, a backpack, and a special wallet. The latter, in particular, is becoming a popular gift item. Practical yet fashionable, a good travel wallet...
Best Hotel Booking Site
Before relying on an app that could make or break your vacation in a foreign place, some of us check out the review section to ensure the quality of the site. The higher the stats for the review, the better. The review section helps us judge the quality of service of the best hotel booking sites. Personal comments from travelers...
best travel books
Everyone has their own dream escapade. It can be somewhere in the real world or it can also be in a fantasy world. This is probably the reason why most people love to read the best travel books that can inspire them to explore. Reading books is like escaping the exhausting life that we face in our own realities. Just...
Bucket List Vacations for Couples
Most couples dream to have a romantic dinner under the bright moon. Some even wish to watch a movie together while their hands are clasped tightly. Some are contented gazing upon the star-filled sky while waiting for that shooting star to which they could whisper their heart’s inner desires. Why not bring the thrill and a twist to your typical...
As a traveler, your best companion is your backpack. You can put whatever you need inside it to survive a journey away from home. Whether it is for leisure or business, you must have one of the best travel backpacks anytime and anywhere you go. This is especially true if you plan to go to European countries; a favorite destination...
best travel mugs
What do you think is the most important thing to bring when you’re traveling? A good backpack? Of course, to pack all your stuff around in. Weather-appropriate clothes? Sure, you can never be too prepared when it comes to packing your clothes! Snacks? Definitely, so you won’t go hungry during your trip. But what about a nice mug? Often, travelers think that a...
Bucket List Adventures
Have you been very bored at work lately? Or Have you been experiencing the stress brought about by deadlines and a horrible boss? Have you wanted to breathe some air and relax for a moment? In your lifetime, there are things that you may do to get off that stress and feel that bliss. Why not TRAVEL? Go for travel adventures. Feel that adrenaline...